Hi, I’m Narelle Wilson –

socially conscious small business owner, small business mentor and founder of Volta Consulting

Just Imagine

A world where small business owners have access to sustainable business practices. Where profit and purpose co-exist as one goal. Where building a sustainable business with a positive social impact is the norm – not the exception…

That’s a world I want to be part of – and that’s why I founded my small business management and strategy consultancy, Volta Consulting.

‘Any time you open your wallet it’s an opportunity
to vote for the kind of world you want to live in.’

~ Dr Jodi York


Do better business with Volta Consulting

From advancing gender equality to protecting the environment (or harming it) your business decisions have a far-reaching impact. 

What you do and how you operate affects your bottom line – but it goes further than that. It affects client and employee satisfaction and quality of life, plus your reputation in the wider community.

If you’re here, nodding along, you are probably seeking a better and more sustainable way of doing business. One that has a positive social impact while still making a profit. 

Volta offers a range of tailored strategic business mentoring and consulting services to help you achieve those goals –  and explore new ways to shape your business, such as:

  • introducing sustainable practices – financial and environmental
  • applying a gender-sensitive approach to business 
  • aligning business profit with purpose
  • empowering more women to operate sustainable and profitable businesses

I know it’s possible because I’m on the same journey…


My journey to sustainable small business consulting


I expected postgraduate study in my forties to be a challenge – I didn’t realise it would be life-changing…


By 2020, I’d built a great career as the General Manager of a thriving private equity firm. My days were full of variety because, as the GM in a small business, I was involved in every area – from risk assessment to business strategy and planning, cashflow and budget management to financial strategy and HR.


During the first pandemic lockdown, I began to feel a pull towards interests I’d developed decades earlier – like advancing gender equality and protecting the environment. 



I realised I was ready to make a greater positive social impact through my work. So, I made a conscious decision to do things differently – a choice I now recognise all too well in my clients.

From corporate leader to socially conscious small business consultant and mentor

My first step was to complete a Graduate Certificate of Gender, Peace and Security. As I learned about the integration of gender perspective into peace and security policymaking and strategy – a realisation dawned on me…

Government bodies and corporate businesses had been developing social and environmental responsibility policies for decades. 

But, in the ever-growing small business community, this was much less common. Even though small businesses have the cumulative potential to make a massive social impact…

When I combined my humanities studies with my 11+ years of business management experience, I recognised I had a unique skill set. One I could use to help socially conscious small businesses grow, adopt sustainable practices and have more of a positive impact on their communities.

The rest – as they say – is history.


For people who like to know the nitty gritty, my formal education includes:

Master of International Relations – Monash University, expected completion 2025

Graduate Certificate of Gender, Peace and Security – Monash University, 2020

Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance – Governance Institute of Australia, 2014

Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Business Law) – Curtin University, 2013

Registrations and Memberships

Registered ASIC Agent – Number: 49560

Company BAS Agent – Number: 26135418

Individual BAS Agent – Number: 25728522

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers Member

Business consulting services from one socially conscious business owner to another

I created Volta Consulting to be the type of sustainable business that other socially conscious small business owners would want to build and grow.

Which meant making sure my operational ducks were all in a row… Things like my business goals, financial strategy, budget and cashflow management. And – reviewing my social and environmental impact by asking questions like: 

  • which bank I would use and why?
  • how would I keep my small business carbon footprint to a minimum – in a way that’s manageable for me?
  • which causes did I want to support or advance? Gender equality is a particular passion of mine
  • how would I choose and discover suppliers with aligned values?

Talking of values…


Volta Consulting’s values are:


All people from all walks of life have value. Together, by drawing on our differences and offering a diversity of thought and experience, we can make the world a better place.


Inequalities between genders have existed for too long. I apply a gender lens to all aspects of Volta and its clients, with a view to implement gender-responsive measures to address inequalities.


It’s important to surround yourself different people who support, encourage and challenge you. 

I also consider the impact that Volta has on the broader community.


I am committed to ensuring Volta minimises its environmental footprint and maximises its positive social impact in the business ecosystem where I operate.

If you want to bridge the gap between profit and purpose, take the first step today – book a free 20-minute chat with me…

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